what is the Employment laws and rights in Pakistan ?

Table of Contents


Employment laws and rights in Pakistan form the backbone of the country’s labor market, providing essential guidelines and protections for both employers and employees. Understanding these laws is crucial for ensuring fair treatment, preventing exploitation, and promoting a healthy work environment. This article explores the historical development, key legislation, employee rights, workplace safety regulations, anti-discrimination laws, termination procedures, collective bargaining rights, recent developments, and future trends in employment laws in Pakistan.

1. Historical Development of Employment Laws in Pakistan

Evolution from British India Legislations

The foundation of Pakistan’s employment laws can be traced back to the legislation inherited from British India. Key early laws included:

  • The Trade Union Act, 1926: Allowed workers to form trade unions and engage in collective bargaining.
  • The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946: Defined conditions of employment for industrial workers.

Key Milestones and Reforms in Labor Laws

Post-independence, Pakistan made several amendments and introduced new laws to address emerging labor issues:

  • 1958-1969: Introduction of labor reforms during Ayub Khan’s regime, including the Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969.
  • 1970s: Bhutto’s era saw the introduction of labor-friendly policies and nationalization of industries.

Significant Changes Under Various Regimes

Different political regimes have influenced labor laws:

  • 1980s-1990s: Focus on privatization and deregulation.
  • 2000s: Consolidation of labor laws into six draft laws covering various aspects of employment.

2. Key Legislation Governing Employment in Pakistan

Major Employment Laws

Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968

This law outlines the conditions of employment, including classification of workers, payment of wages, and termination procedures.

Minimum Wages Ordinance, 1969

This ordinance sets the minimum wage for workers, ensuring they receive fair compensation for their labor.

Other Relevant Laws

West Pakistan Shops and Establishments Ordinance, 1969

Regulates the working conditions of employees in shops and commercial establishments, including working hours, leave policies, and health and safety measures.

Employment of Children Act, 1991

Prohibits the employment of children below a certain age in hazardous occupations to protect their health and development.

3. Employee Rights and Entitlements

Minimum Wage

The current minimum wage in Pakistan is set at PKR 32,000 per month. This ensures that workers receive a basic standard of living wage.

Working Hours and Overtime

  • Regular working hours: 9 hours per day and 48 hours per week.
  • Overtime compensation: Employees are entitled to overtime pay at double the regular rate for hours worked beyond the standard limits.

Leave Policies

Annual Leave

  • Entitlement: 14 consecutive days of paid leave annually for employees who have worked at least one year.
  • Public Holidays: Employees are also entitled to public holidays, which can be included in the annual leave.

Maternity and Paternity Leave

  • Maternity Leave: Up to 180 days for the first child, 120 days for the second, and 90 days for subsequent children.
  • Paternity Leave: Up to 30 days of paid leave, limited to three times during the service period.

Sick Leave

  • Entitlement: 10 days of paid sick leave annually, with additional provisions for long-term illnesses.

Social Security and Benefits

  • Provident Fund and Gratuity: Contributions towards employee savings and retirement benefits.
  • Employees Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI): Mandatory registration for employers with more than nine employees, with contributions shared between employers and employees.

4. Workplace Safety and Health Regulations

Occupational Safety and Health Standards

Employers are required to ensure a safe working environment by adhering to occupational safety and health standards. This includes providing necessary safety equipment, conducting regular safety audits, and training employees on safety protocols.

Employer Responsibilities

Employers must implement measures to prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases. This includes maintaining clean and hazard-free workspaces and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

Regulatory Bodies

Key regulatory bodies include:

  • Labour Department: Oversees the enforcement of labor laws and safety regulations.
  • Workers’ Welfare Fund: Provides social security benefits to workers.

5. Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Employment

Laws Prohibiting Discrimination

Employment laws in Pakistan prohibit discrimination based on sex, race, religion, political opinion, and other factors. Employers are required to provide equal employment opportunities to all individuals.

Rights to Equal Remuneration

The law mandates equal pay for equal work, ensuring that employees receive fair compensation regardless of their gender or other discriminatory factors.

Protection Against Workplace Harassment and Violence

Employers must take steps to prevent and address workplace harassment and violence. This includes implementing policies, providing training, and establishing complaint mechanisms.

6. Termination of Employment

Legal Procedures for Terminating Employment

Employers must follow legal procedures when terminating employment, including providing a notice period and valid reasons for termination.

Employee Rights During Termination

Employees have the right to receive a severance pay and other benefits as stipulated by the law. Unlawful termination can result in legal action against the employer.

Grounds for Lawful and Unlawful Termination

Lawful termination includes reasons such as misconduct, redundancy, or inability to perform job duties. Unlawful termination includes discrimination or retaliation for union activities.

7. Collective Bargaining and Trade Unions

Rights to Form and Join Trade Unions

Employees have the right to form and join trade unions to collectively bargain for better wages and working conditions.

Collective Bargaining Processes and Practices

Trade unions engage in collective bargaining with employers to negotiate employment terms, resolve disputes, and advocate for workers’ rights.

Legal Protections for Union Activities

The law protects the rights of trade unions and their members from retaliation or discrimination by employers.

8. Recent Developments and Future Trends

Recent Amendments and New Laws

Recent legislative amendments have focused on improving labor rights, enhancing workplace safety, and ensuring compliance with international standards.

Trends in Employment Law Reforms

Emerging trends include greater emphasis on workplace safety, increased protection for vulnerable workers, and adoption of international labor standards.

The Impact of International Conventions and Agreements

Compliance with International Labour Organization (ILO) standards and other international agreements plays a crucial role in shaping Pakistan’s employment laws.


Summary of Key Points

Employment laws in Pakistan provide essential protections and rights for workers, including minimum wage, working hours, leave policies, social security, workplace safety, and anti-discrimination measures. Understanding these laws is crucial for both employers and employees to ensure compliance and protect their rights.

Importance of Staying Informed About Employment Laws

Staying informed about employment laws helps prevent legal disputes and promotes a fair and just work environment. Employers and employees are encouraged to seek legal advice to navigate the complexities of employment laws and ensure compliance.

Encouragement for Legal Advice

Whether you are an employer or an employee, understanding and adhering to employment laws is vital. Seeking legal advice can help you navigate this complex area of law and ensure a fair and respectful work environment.

By focusing on the historical development, key legislation, employee rights, workplace safety, anti-discrimination laws, termination procedures, collective bargaining rights, recent developments, and future trends, this article provides a comprehensive overview of employment laws and rights in Pakistan.

For further reading and detailed legal advice, refer to the following resources: